segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2024

[ORACLE] Embedding ONNX model for Vector Search tests with Oracle Database 23ai

Hello, everyone.

How's it going?

Today, I'm going to show you how to load an ONNX model into the Oracle 23ai database for your vector search tests. 

But first, what is ONNX?1

Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open format built to represent machine learning models. ONNX defines a common set of operators - the building blocks of machine learning and deep learning models - and a common file format to enable AI developers to use models with a variety of frameworks, tools, runtimes, and compilers.

You can find more information about ONNX here.

To begin with, we'll need to download an ONNX model. We can do this here.
In my example, I'm use a docker environment to tests and I need to copy the ONNX zip to this environment.

For copy:
docker cp ONNX/ Orcl23aiORDS:/opt/oracle/DATA_DIR

Unzip the file:

Execute the grants bellow.

sqlplus / as sysdba
alter session set container=freepdb1;

Finally, load the model into the database.

sqlplus laouc24/Password123##@FREEPDB1
        model_name => 'ALL_MINILM_L12_V2', 
        force => true
                directory => 'DATA_DIR',
                file_name => 'all_MiniLM_L12_v2.onnx',
                model_name => 'ALL_MINILM_L12_V2');

Check that the model is loaded into the database and run the first test.

FROM user_mining_models 
     model_name = 'ALL_MINILM_L12_V2';

 ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'It is a pleasure to be here at LAOUC Tour 2024!' as DATA
    ) AS embedding;

Now you're ready to create your first table, load the data and vectors and start using Vector Search

CREATE TABLE laouc24.vector1 (
        id                      NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,
        name                VARCHAR2(50),
        vector_coord    VECTOR

INSERT INTO laouc24.vector1 (id, name, vector_coord) VALUES
        (1, 'Mr. Morcego'           , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. Bat' as data)),
        (2, 'Mr. 7 Mountains'      , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. 7 Mountains' as data)),
        (3, 'Mr. Martin'               , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. Martin' as data)),
        (4, 'Mrs. Maria Padilha' , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mrs. Maria Padilha' as data)),
        (5, 'Mr. Litle Fire'            , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. Litle Fire' as data)),
        (6, 'Mrs. Maria Quiteria' , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mrs. Maria Quiteria' as data)),
        (7, 'Mr. Seven'               , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. Seven' as data)),
        (8, 'Mr. World Spinner'   , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. World Spinner' as data)),
        (9, 'Mr. White Stone'      , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. White Stone' as data)),
        (10, 'Mr. Litle Darkness' , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. Litle Darkness' as data)),
        (11, 'Mr. Marian'             , VECTOR_EMBEDDING(ALL_MINILM_L12_V2 USING 'Mr. Marian' as data));


SELECT * FROM  laouc24.vector1 where id = 4;

And that's it. Your database is ready for testing using Vector Search.

For more examples and information, you can access this posts here and here.

I hope this tip has helped you.


sábado, 27 de julho de 2024

[ORACLE] Quick tips: Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) files cleanup.

Hello everyone.
How are you doing?
Today, I going to show you a quick tip about the AHF - Autonomous Health Framework.
In case your autopurge is off, and your disk space is slowing, you can do a manual purge.
And it's a simple operation.
1) Check the space
df -h

2) Lists all the files that would be deleted without deletion - as root.
For example, I'm only going to clear the last 10 days (my retention is 30 days). 
tfactl purge -older 20d -dryrun
3) Delete the files
tfactl purge -older 25d
I could run it using hours, for example:
tfactl purge -older 200h

The full syntax and parameters are:

4) Check the space
5) To enable autopurge:
tfactl set autopurge=on
You can manage the options using tfactl menu:
tfactl menu
For more information: tfactl purge
And, there you go. The space has been cleared.
It`s as simple as that!
I hope this tip helps you.

segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2024

[ORACLE] Increasing the number of cores in a virtualized Oracle Database Appliance.

Hello everyone.

How are you going?

Today, I'll show you the process to increase the number of cores in a virtualized ODA HA X7-2.

Important: This process must be validated with Oracle Support, always.
Furthermore, remember that:  
  • This step-by-step worked for me, but it may not work for you. 
  • It's a test environment. The real life will be different, for sure.
  • This post is for study and testing as well and has no concern for performance and security best practices.

So, let's get started!
The first step is create a new BIOS xml file to change the number of the cores.

su -

ubiosconfig export all -x bios.xml

We need to change te parameter below:

vi bios.xml

From: <Active_Processor_Cores>3</Active_Processor_Cores>

To:      <Active_Processor_Cores>4</Active_Processor_Cores>

In my example, I'll change to 3 cores for 4 cores.

Now, we need to import the new parameter.

su - 

ubiosconfig import config -f --expert -y -x bios.xml

Reboot the node and we have 4 cores on node 1. Repeat the process for node 2.



After this, it was easy!

odacli update-cpucore --cores 8


  "jobId" : "388ac288-abaf-4304-8a3b-b033e4ca7dde",

  "status" : "Created",

  "message" : null,

  "reports" : [ ],

  "createTimestamp" : "July 11, 2024 02:49:22 AM BRT",

  "resourceList" : [ ],

  "description" : "CPU cores  service update",

  "updatedTime" : "July 11, 2024 02:49:22 AM BRT"


And, there you go!

I hope it helps!


quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2024

[ORACLE] How to create a test environment with Oracle 23ai running on MacBook Pro M3 Pro.

Hello everyone.

How are you going?

I've finally surrendered to the Macbook's allure for work. 

And my first challange was to run the Oracle 23ai in my Mac.

So, let's get started!

First, we need to install the homebrew.

/bin/bash -c 
"$(curl -fsSL" 

We don't have an installer to Oracle 23ai for the Mac M3. 

So, I'm use Colima + Docker + QEMU to emulate x86_64 arch and run the Oracle 23ai. 

Colima is an open source container runtime for macOS with minimal configuration. In addition,

QEMU was an open source software virtualization tool that performs hardware emulation. 

Now, we need to install Docker, Docker-compose, Colima and reinstall QEMU.


   brew update

   brew install docker

   brew install docker-compose


   brew install colima

   brew reinstall qemu

* Yes, I forgot to take the screenshots 

We are to install Rosetta, as well.

   oftwareupdate --install-rosetta

According Apple, "Rosetta is not an app that you open or interact with. Rosetta works

automatically in the background whenever you use an app that was built only for Mac

computers with an Intel processor. It translates the app for use with Apple silicon."

Check the colima status.

   colima help

Stop and delete the old profile.

   colima stop

   colima delete

And start Colima with the parameters bellow:

   colima start --cpu 4 --memory 10 --arch x86_64 --vm-type vz --vz-rosetta


      --vm-type=vz             ==> Virtual machine type.

      --vz-rosetta                ==> Enable Rosetta for amd64 emulation.

      --mount-type=virtiofs ==> Volume Mount Driver for vz.

      --arch x86_64            ==> Architecture (x86_64).

   colima status

The default VM created by Colima has 2 CPUs, 60GB storage and 2GB memory runing


Access the Colima console:

   colima ssh

   # Check if Colima is using the new profile

   docker context ls

Finally, create a docker container running Oracle 23ai:

 docker run -d -it --name Orcl23ai /
    -p 1527:1521 /
    -p 5507:5500 /
    -p 8087:8080 /
    -p 8447:8443 

Check the container and database.

   docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}"

   docker exec -it Orcl23ai /bin/bash

And thats it. As simple as that.

If you can watch this installation, you can see these videos from my friend Eduardo Claro:

You can also consult the documentation here - it's for Oracle Autonomous Database Free Container Image, but the process is the same.

I hope it helps you.


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