sábado, 27 de julho de 2024

[ORACLE] Quick tips: Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) files cleanup.

Hello everyone.
How are you doing?
Today, I going to show you a quick tip about the AHF - Autonomous Health Framework.
In case your autopurge is off, and your disk space is slowing, you can do a manual purge.
And it's a simple operation.
1) Check the space
df -h

2) Lists all the files that would be deleted without deletion - as root.
For example, I'm only going to clear the last 10 days (my retention is 30 days). 
tfactl purge -older 20d -dryrun
3) Delete the files
tfactl purge -older 25d
I could run it using hours, for example:
tfactl purge -older 200h

The full syntax and parameters are:

4) Check the space
5) To enable autopurge:
tfactl set autopurge=on
You can manage the options using tfactl menu:
tfactl menu
For more information: tfactl purge
And, there you go. The space has been cleared.
It`s as simple as that!
I hope this tip helps you.

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