quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2016

Conhecendo o mundo do tal do ODA - Criando um database

Olá jovens.

Vamos direto ao ponto hoje, vamos criar uma nova base de dados no ODA X5. Assim, simples e rápido...

Vamos lá.

Então começamos preparando nosso script de criação da base: 

Opa!!! Para!!! Para!!! Para!!! Para!!! 

Tipo João Kleber manja ahahahhaha... O que é isso pequeno gafanhoto, não precisamos de nada disso não.  

Mais uma vez nosso amigo OAKCLI vai nos ajudar. Vamos lá, agora é sério...

Primeiro vamos gerar um arquivo com algumas configurações. Esse não é um passo obrigatório, mas pode ser que o template do ODA não sirva para o que você quer então acho legal fazer isso.

1) Conecta como root
su - 
2) Manda o comando abaixo:
[root@odax51 ~]# oakcli create db_config_params -conf rsfile

Agora é só responder as perguntas. Eu vou colocar todo o log aqui para vocês verem. Vai ficar um pouco grande mas acho que vale a pena.
Please select one of the following for Database Block Size  [1 .. 4]:
1    => 4096
2    => 8192
3    => 16384
4    => 32768
Selected value is : 8192

Specify the  Database Language (1. AMERICAN 2. Others) [1]:2
Please select one of the following for Database Language    [0 .. 10] :
0    => Others
1    => ALBANIAN
2    => AMERICAN
4    => ARABIC
5    => ASSAMESE
7    => BANGLA
10    => BULGARIAN
Selected value is: AMERICAN

Specify the  Database Characterset (1. AL32UTF8 2. Others) [1]:
Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 10] :
0    => Others
1    => AL32UTF8
2    => AR8ADOS710
3    => AR8ADOS720
4    => AR8APTEC715
5    => AR8APTEC715T
7    => AR8ASMO8X
9    => AR8ISO8859P6
10    => AR8MSWIN1256

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 21] :
11    => AR8MUSSAD768
12    => AR8MUSSAD768T
13    => AR8NAFITHA711
14    => AR8NAFITHA711T
15    => AR8NAFITHA721
16    => AR8NAFITHA721T
17    => AR8SAKHR706
18    => AR8SAKHR707
19    => AR8SAKHR707T
20    => AZ8ISO8859P9E
21    => BG8MSWIN

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 32] :
22    => BG8PC437S
23    => BLT8CP921
24    => BLT8ISO8859P13
25    => BLT8MSWIN1257
26    => BLT8PC775
27    => BN8BSCII
28    => CDN8PC863
29    => CEL8ISO8859P14
30    => CL8ISO8859P5
31    => CL8ISOIR111
32    => CL8KOI8R

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 43] :
33    => CL8KOI8U
35    => CL8MSWIN1251
36    => EE8ISO8859P2
37    => EE8MACCES
39    => EE8MSWIN1250
40    => EE8PC852
41    => EL8DEC
42    => EL8ISO8859P7

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 54] :
44    => EL8MSWIN1253
45    => EL8PC437S
46    => EL8PC851
47    => EL8PC869
48    => ET8MSWIN923
49    => HU8ABMOD
50    => HU8CWI2
51    => IN8ISCII
52    => IS8PC861
53    => IW8ISO8859P8

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 65] :
55    => IW8MSWIN1255
56    => IW8PC1507
57    => JA16EUC
58    => JA16EUCTILDE
59    => JA16SJIS
60    => JA16SJISTILDE
61    => JA16VMS
62    => KO16KSC5601
63    => KO16KSCCS
64    => KO16MSWIN949
65    => LA8ISO6937

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 76] :
66    => LA8PASSPORT
67    => LT8MSWIN921
68    => LT8PC772
69    => LT8PC774
70    => LV8PC1117
71    => LV8PC8LR
72    => LV8RST104090
73    => N8PC865
74    => NE8ISO8859P10
75    => NEE8ISO8859P4
76    => RU8BESTA

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 87] :
77    => RU8PC855
78    => RU8PC866
79    => SE8ISO8859P3
80    => TH8MACTHAIS
81    => TH8TISASCII
82    => TR8DEC
84    => TR8MSWIN1254
85    => TR8PC857
86    => US8PC437
87    => UTF8

Please select one of the following for Database Characterset    [0 .. 98] :
88    => VN8MSWIN1258
89    => VN8VN3
90    => WE8DEC
91    => WE8DG
92    => WE8ISO8859P1
93    => WE8ISO8859P15
94    => WE8ISO8859P9
95    => WE8MACROMAN8S
96    => WE8MSWIN1252
97    => WE8NCR4970
98    => WE8NEXTSTEP
Selected value is: WE8ISO8859P1

Specify the  Database Territory (1. AMERICA 2. Others) [1]:
Please select one of the following for Database Territory    [0 .. 10] :
0    => Others
1    => ALBANIA
2    => ALGERIA
3    => AMERICA
6    => AUSTRIA
8    => BAHRAIN
10    => BELARUS
Selected value is: AMERICA

Specify the  Component Language (1. en 2. Others) [1]:
Please select one of the following for Component Language    [0 .. 10] :
0    => Others
1    => en : Engilish
2    => fr : French
3    => ar : Arabic
4    => bn : Bengali
5    => pt_BR : Brazilian Portuguese
6    => bg : Bulgarian
7    => fr_CA : Canadian French
8    => ca : Catalan
9    => hr : Croatian
10    => cs : Czech
Selected value is: en
Please select one of the following for NLS Characterset  [1 .. 2]:
1    => AL16UTF16
2    => UTF8
Selected value is : AL16UTF16

Successfully generated the Database parameter file 'rsfile'

3) Vamos verificar o que acabamos de gerar
oakcli show db_config_params
Available DB configuration files are:
default ==> Olha aqui o default do ODA
rsfile ==> O que acabamos de criar

oakcli show db_config_params -conf rsfile -detail
DATABASE_BLOCK_SIZE       =>    8192

4) Veja os ORACLE_HOMES disponíveis. Você vai precisar. 
[root@odax51 ~]# oakcli show dbhomes

5) Então pequeno amigo, agora é só ter o trabalho de olhar o ODA trabalhar

oakcli create database -db teste -oh OraDb11204_home1 -params rsfile 
Please enter the 'SYSASM'  password : (During deployment we set the SYSASM password to 'welcome1'):
Please re-enter the 'SYSASM' password:
Please select one of the following for Database type  [1 .. 2]:
1    => OLTP
2    => DSS
Selected value is : OLTP
Please select one of the following for Database Deployment  [1 .. 3]:
1    => EE : Enterprise Edition
2    => RACONE
3    => RAC
Selected value is : RAC
Please select one of the following for Database Class  [1 .. 5]:
1    => odb-01s  (   1 cores ,     4 GB memory)
2    =>  odb-01  (   1 cores ,     8 GB memory)
3    =>  odb-02  (   2 cores ,    16 GB memory)
4    =>  odb-04  (   4 cores ,    32 GB memory)
5    =>  odb-06  (   6 cores ,    48 GB memory)
Selected value is : odb-01  (   1 cores ,     8 GB memory)

Do you want to setup the EM DB Console for this database [ Y | N ] ? : N

Agora basta seguirmos o log
INFO   : Logging all actions in the file /opt/oracle/oak/log/hscodax41/patch/ and traces in  the file /opt/oracle/oak/log/hscodax41/patch/
INFO   : Loading the configuration file /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/create_database.params...
INFO   : Creating the node list files...
INFO   : Setting up ssh for root...
INFO   : Setting up SSH across the Private Network...
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Background process 76404 (node: gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 76430 (node: gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Setting up SSH completed successfully
INFO   : Running the command /usr/bin/rsync -tarqvz /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/ root@ --exclude=*zip --exclude=*gz --exclude=*log --exclude=*trc --exclude=*rpm to sync directory
on node <192 .168.16.25="">
SUCCESS: Ran /usr/bin/rsync -tarqvz /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/ root@ --exclude=*zip --exclude=*gz --exclude=*log --exclude=*trc --exclude=*rpm and it returned: RC=0
...INFO   : Did not do scp for node : hscodax41
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax41 /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Background process 77099 (node: hscodax41) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax42 /root/DoAllcmds.sh
INFO   : Background process 77126 (node: hscodax42) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : hscodax41
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax41 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20160517105939.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax42 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20160517105939.sh
INFO   : Background process 77181 (node: hscodax41) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 77207 (node: hscodax42) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Setting up SSH for user oracle...
INFO   : checking nodes in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/db_nodes...
SUCCESS: All nodes in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/db_nodes are pingable and alive.
INFO   : Checking SSH setup for user (oracle) on nodes in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/db_nodes...
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : hscodax41
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle hscodax41 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20160517105958.sh
INFO   : Running on the local node: /bin/su oracle -c /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20160517105958.sh
INFO   : Background process 77766 (node: hscodax41) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle hscodax42 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20160517105958.sh
INFO   : Background process 77792 (node: hscodax42) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Setting up ACFS storage
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : hscodax41
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax41 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/acfsm_72134.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax42 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/acfsm_72134.sh
INFO   : Background process 77986 (node: hscodax41) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 78012 (node: hscodax42) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:00:14: Creating the volume datastore on the diskgroup REDO of size 52 G
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:00:24: Creating acfs on volume datastore
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:00:25: Registering datastore with clusterware
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:00:38: Creating the volume datastore on the diskgroup DATA of size 1625 G
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:00:53: Creating accelerator volume acldatstore
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:00:59: Creating acfs on volume datastore
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:01:44: Registering datastore with clusterware
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:02:09: Creating the volume datastore on the diskgroup RECO of size 374 G
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:02:21: Creating acfs on volume datastore
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:02:37: Registering datastore with clusterware
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:02:50: Successfully setup the storage structure for the database 'teste'
SUCCESS: Successfully setup ACFS storage for the database teste
INFO   : Creating Database using DBCA...
INFO   : Did not do scp for node : hscodax41
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax41 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20160517110250.sh
INFO   : Running as root: /usr/bin/ssh -l root hscodax42 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/DoAllcmds-20160517110250.sh
INFO   : Background process 91175 (node: hscodax41) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Background process 91201 (node: hscodax42) gets done with the exit code 0
INFO   : Running DBCA using /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-teste.sh on hscodax41 as oracle...
INFO   : Check output in /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-teste-20160517105858.log on hscodax41
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle hscodax41 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-teste.sh
INFO   : Running on the local node: /bin/su oracle -c /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbca-teste.sh
Instance teste1 is running on node hscodax41
Instance teste2 is running on node hscodax42
INFO   : One or more Instances running on the cluster nodes.
INFO   : Running export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/;/u01/app/oracle/product/ setenv database -d teste -t 'TZ=America/Sao_Paulo' to set DB timezone
INFO   : Running the command /u01/app/ stat resource ora.teste.db -p
.INFO   : Did not do scp for node : hscodax41
INFO   : This is root, will become oracle and run: /bin/su oracle -c /usr/bin/ssh -l oracle hscodax41 /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbupdates-teste.sh
INFO   : Running on the local node: /bin/su oracle -c /opt/oracle/oak/onecmd/tmp/dbupdates-teste.sh
INFO   : Running export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/;/u01/app/oracle/product/ stop database -d teste
INFO   : Running export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/;/u01/app/oracle/product/ start database -d teste
INFO: 2016-05-17 11:12:25: Successfully set the RMAN SNAPSHOT control file

E se tudo correu bem, acabamos assim:
SUCCESS: 2016-05-17 11:12:26: Successfully created the Database : teste

Olha só que legal, ele já fez tudo, até registrar a nova base no RAC. É ou não é nosso amigo esse tal de OAKCLI ahahahha.

Ai claro, dá uma conferida lá né o preguiça:

Bom pessoal, espero que ajude. Dica simples mas bastante útil.


2 comentários:

  1. Grande Mario!
    Excelente artigo, direto ao ponto e com toda info bem detalhada. Nunca trabalhei com ODA, mas já sei onde correr se pintar a oportunidade hehe

    1. Grande Bruno... Precisando estamos ai, é só chamar. Abraço


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